I have an interst for aerospace and aerodynamically driven form. I wanted to focus on a demanding and function driven aesthetic; an aesthetic that in it´s purity is woth admiring.
Gulping air inlets, heat shields and sleek surface treatment
were things of interest. It all ended up in a “capable”- looking architecture with elements such as graphics inspired by space shuttles and wings like jet planes.
Two door coupe concept
Lamborghini´s next flag ship
Car seat concept
Mid engine sports car
A take on a future Ferrari F40
Rest of my work
Project NeolithIndustrial design
Disco VolanteProduct Design
Cisco PanactiveProduct design
TilesConsumer electronics
BaxterProduct design
Electrolux TrioConsumer electronics
SC VegaBFA Thesis project
KöpenhamnProduct design
DL–1Product design
MT–3Product design
KiruProduct design
TT–90 SystemProduct design